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Public Archive / share-mods-archive / Hot Potato for JRMP basically 1 4 X
12:26 AM
For those confused, Hot Potato started off as a gamemode for JRMP that I made years ago. After that I decided to remake it now that I know what worked and what didn't in the old version. The version you have here (in my opinion) isn't as playable as the current 1.7 release. Some notable differences:
  • Final countdown is less epic
  • UI isn't as polished
  • The stun mechanic instead turned people into ragdolls, which was inconsistent and you could be stunned multiple times in a row by falling due to no fault of your own. However if for whatever reason you want a less polished 1.4 version, this is it. Just replace some JRMP sounds for vanilla counterparts. For most people though, I suggest getting the more polished 1.7 version.
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